Segregasi Metode dan Kegiatan Berkesenian di Era Pandemi Covid-19
The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic in the world has brought major impacts and significant changes to the fabric of human life, and artists are no exception. This paper will analyze some of the symptoms and phenomena of the segregation of art methods and activities carried out by art activists and lovers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The analysis in this article uses a descriptive analytical review method by describing various symptoms and phenomena observed through case studies according to the focus of the problem being studied. The results show that the survival of artists and works of art during the Covid-19 pandemic is very dependent on the development of digital technology in virtual spaces (virtual world). The positive impact of using digital technology through various virtual spaces, digital platforms, and social media through the internet network has opened a wider willing space for artists to exist and keep the art ecosystem alive, growing, and surviving during the Covid-19 pandemic through new media.
Munculnya pandemi Covid-19 di dunia telah membawa dampak besar dan perubahan signifikan terhadap tatanan kehidupan manusia, tidak terkecuali bagi para seniman. Tulisan ini akan menganalisis beberapa gejala dan fenomena segresi metode dan kegiatan berkesenian yang dilakukan para pegiat dan pencinta seni di masa pandemi Covid-19. Analisis dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode tinjauan deskriptif analitis dengan menguraikan berbagai gejala dan fenomena yang diamati melalui studi kasus sesuai dengan fokus permasalahan yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keberlangsungan hidup seniman dan karya seni di masa pandemi Covid-19 sangat bergantung pada perkembangan teknologi digital di 19 ruang virtual (dunia maya). Dampak positif penggunaan teknologi digital melalui berbagai ruang virtual, platform digital, dan media sosial melalui jaringan internet telah membuka ruang berkenian yang lebih luas bagi para seniman untuk tetap eksis dan menjaga ekosistem seni tetap hidup, berkembang, dan bertahan di masa pandemi Covid-19 melalui media baru. ki-laki, yang berpengaruh pada cara memproyeksikan hasrat kecintaan terhadap ibu mereka.
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